My favorite thing about this business is the friendships and relationships formed or rekindled. You've heard me say it ten times and I'll say it 40,000 more, and even that feels like a weak estimate if we're talking forever. So much of this business has evolved into what I remember my far-fetched dreams were when I launched two and a half years ago, and that has been really cool to see play out. But, a lot of it has evolved into something much more than I ever anticipated, too. Even better.
Since we're all friends here, you won't mind if I shoot straight for a second, eh? Being friends with other local photographers seemingly trying to reach the same people, for the same purpose seems weird - right? I mean why would it ever benefit me to befriend these people? This was kind of my mindset for about a year. I never saw the point, frankly, I didn't see the warm welcome when I entered the industry so maybe I was nervous, maybe I was bitter, maybe I was dead set to prove everyone wrong about me and I was definitely determined to book clients and that didn't seem like the logical way to do it.
Fast forward. I could've never foreseen the amount of times I'd need someone who could truly relate in the struggles. My husband, my sisters, my mom, my BFF, they can all listen to me and be a wonderful sounding board, but the friend that's experienced the same high, the same fears, the same self-doubt, that's the one that'll make you feel less singled out and crazy. That's the one that understands and needs encouragement just as bad as you do. Empathy versus sympathy.
This year has been wonderful for many reasons (and it's only April!), but one of the highlights has been gaining friends in the same industry that just get it. Sabrina gets me, and we've shared lenses, taught each other tricks and she's going to help me out with quite a few weddings this year! She launched a new site yesterday and I was fortunate enough to get to provide her with new headshots! Here are a few favorites from our short time together - isn't she stunning?!
XOXO, Taylor