Engaged | David + Stacy

It's no secret I've been anxiously awaiting this session. This post is on picture overload, so if you're opposed to a ridiculous amount of cuddles and nuzzling and really just adorableness level 10, then you should go ahead and forego reading any further (but who the heck doesn't love all that?!). 

I remember when Stacy met David, she was on cloud nine from the start and you could see her radiate joy talking about him. Stacy and I have been best friends for almost 10 years (time FLIES!) and I'd seen her show interest in certain guys over the years, but David was so different and we both kinda figured we'd all be here some day. Thank God that panned out, because David makes her some kind of happy, and vice versa really, and that's about the most a best friend could ever hope for.

Stacy is the best friend everyone deserves, and I'm just fortunate enough to call her mine. We've truly been through it all together, but to sum up a committed friend in a short blog post: she has loved me through the highs and many lows, she's forgiven me when I wasn't the friend she deserved, she was the single only friend to make it to my baby shower, and after I'd gotten married and started my adult life, she moved in with me so I didn't have to be alone while my husband's job training had him living elsewhere for six months. Yeah, she's incredible. I'll save the rest of the sappy-ness for my matron-of-honor speech when these two get married April 2018, which is already written (I'm not even joking), but David hit the jackpot with this one. Stacy did pretty good with David, too. And by 'pretty good', I mean I couldn't have hand-picked someone better for the girl who deserves the world. I love you both!

Mitchells (65 of 14).jpg

Thanks for following along on this little dream of mine! Click the buttons below to read some of my previous posts!

XOXO, Taylor

Why blogging is so important to me

It’s been two months of having a blog, and I constantly find myself both amazed at the difference it’s made in my business, yet frustrated that I went two full years making my website and blog anything but a top priority. Two years of advertising only through social media, two years of spending hours back and forth in e-mails with clients in order to get all questions answered prior to booking, and overall just not using this God-given platform to its full potential because I didn’t have the right tools to convey my heart.

I realize every time I write a post, though I pour my heart and soul into each one, I may have an audience of one, and that one person might be me. But, that’s okay. I also realize that when I write a post, it may speak to some and it may be a learning opportunity to others that I’m not the photographer for them, and that’s okay too. That’s the risk I’m willing to take in being true to myself, honoring God in the talent he’s given me, and being a light and a positive outlet to others. It seems like an odd thought process, because business is business right? And the point is to book, right? Well, yes. BUT, this business isn’t just about me. Truthfully, hardly about me at all. My intent for this business is to use it to serve others, and to serve others well. The best way I can.

Have you ever wondered what your true purpose is? I mean, though some days it may feel like it, my purpose can’t be just to go to work and pay bills, can I get an amen? It took me a long time to really feel like I had a purpose other than just going through the motions of this crazy thing called life, and when I felt like this business may be what I was called to do, I still fought it hard because… insecurities. I wouldn’t book. I’d never have time. People wouldn’t care what I had to say. I’d never be as good as them. And thinking back on all the whys that held me back for so long, I see that each of them have turned into something intentional and motivating in my quest to spread love and encouragement.

Blogging is the piece of the package I was missing the most, and I didn’t even realize it. Truth is, I am always short on time, people might not care what I have to say, and I may always be compared to others and come up short, but I’ve come to a place where I feel so strongly that my clients deserve to know me personally, to feel like they’re my number one and not just my transaction of the day, and to feel beautiful and important and valuable. It was a lofty goal for my 2017 to have my sessions blogged within 24 hours, and I’m sure there will be times where it’s just not possible, but for now it’s happening, and it’s a blessing to me to be able to get what’s on my chest out there, if even just for me. It’s my mission to ensure the excitement of each session never weakens, and that my clients get to see how beautiful they are almost immediately. It’s not about filling my books, though exciting when it happens… it’s about preserving the time to give each client everything I have, and everything they deserve. I never know who’s following, who’s reading, or when a potential client will stumble across my site and find just what they’re needing, but I’m making it a purpose to live out my purpose. I pray that I always make this less about numbers, and more about the people. If it means one client or a thousand, the fact that they chose me is worth it.



Couples Session | Austin + Haley

There are many cool things about this business. To be accurate, I'd say 95% of it is truly incredible, and enough to make you feel on cloud nine nearly all the time... or at least for me. I'd give it a 100% if I was this perfect human that had all the confidence in the world all the time, didn't have to pay taxes, and literally all I had to do is shoot + edit. Sad to tell ya that's not real life, BUT all things considered, this business is a dream come true for me.

One of the top coolest things is how people find you. Word of mouth is such a powerful thing for my business, as is social media, but learning the connections I already have with people I am meeting for the first time at their session is the best thing since sliced bread.

I met Austin and Haley last night at their couples session. Haley reached out to me about two to three weeks ago asking if I had any availability for the specific date, and I replied, "well it's a Wednesday but if you're down for the evening I'd love to make it work!" Turns out, yesterday was their anniversary and um, my perfect couple, wanted to celebrate with some pictures together. Yep, speaking my love language. Did we just become best friends?

Turns out, both go to Longwood (proud alum right here!), and both grew up in the area. They met at Longwood despite calling the same place home, which is the same story with my husband and I. Longwood, man. Pulling people out of good ole Chesterfield and match making up in Farmville- I dig it. Haley plans to be a teacher, and Austin plans to be a nurse, and these two drove to Chesterfield to have a session with me in the middle of the week. My clients make me feel like the real deal, and I am just way too humbled. This business is a blessing because of my clients. I will never not feel an immense amount of gratitude.

Happy anniversary you two!! Here are a few more favorites from my time with Austin and Haley!

Thanks for following along this little dream of mine.

XOXO, Taylor

Community Over Competition

If you're a creative and you stay networked even a little bit within the industry, you've likely heard the phrase "community over competition". I didn't make this up, truthfully, I'm not sure who did, but it's genius and it's my heart, specifically when it comes to my business, but also for life in general, in a total of three words. When put together and really thought about, three powerful words.

Now, let me be raw and open for like 5 whole seconds. Do I have a natural, competitive tendency or two? Yes. I'm human. But in a little over two years I've learned a wealth of knowledge from other people following a very similar path as me, and I would be a lost, hot mess without their paved way. Most weddings my clients request a second shooter, and well, you can't call just anyone. These are two simple examples to drive a pretty strong point home: we just can't do this without other like-minded people. We just can't.

Let's pretend I didn't use my full 5 seconds already, and continue being raw and honest for a hot minute. Have I had days where I've seen the success someone else is having and beat my own self down? More often than I care to admit. And if you asked me lately, you may get a full on sob story. My point is, I'm not perfect when it comes to community versus competition, but it's my main goal. It feels good to be someone else's source of encouragement.

I don't even remember the exact moment I met Caiti, but I do know that I happened to stumble across her Instagram kind of out of no where, and while we had never even formally met, we were mutually cheering each other on. Later finding out we share quite a few mutual friends, that plus our similarities, and we were both pumped to meet in "real life" and just share quality conversation over a good ole cup of Starbucks (aka the drink sent straight from Heaven... coffee). It was so refreshing, for me at least, because by sharing quality conversation I mean she stumbled into my life at one of those seasons of comparison and she got an earful. But she listened. She encouraged. She didn't make me feel alone. And she still wanted to be my friend.

A really great thing for my own business is to have dependable people I can refer potential clients to when I am already booked or otherwise unavailable, bringing dependable seconds with me to weddings that produce quality work, and just being known for being good, yes, but mostly for being a good person. You can't do that if you are a competitor first. Reach out and be a friend to someone today, really great things come from it and afterall, we weren't meant to do life alone. Not one, single part of it. Thanks for being such a great friend (in such a short amount of time) Caiti!

We were able to find a free night between both of our crazy schedules to swap headshot services, and I can't even explain how thankful I am. It's rare we get to hop on the other side of the camera! Here's a few more of my favorite from my time with Caiti!


Thanks for following along this little dream of mine. If you get a chance, check out Caiti with Caiti Garter Photography! She's KILLIN' IT.

XOXO, Taylor

Don't blink, they said

Every time I come up with a topic to bring to my blog, I struggle when it comes to something personal. This inner battle of "is this the right content or not?" arises, and I don't know that I'll ever find that answer. But the facts are, I share personal, milestone type defining moments with my clients. This whole business is personal on some level, and at the end of the day, I strive to treat each of my clients as a friend. What kind of a friend doesn't get a little personal here and there? Justified.

I'm a photographer, yes. I primarily shoot weddings and market to the young and in love, and newly engaged. So if stunning diamonds and floral arrangements and wedding gowns are your thing, you're in the right place, but in the same breath, if you aren't a fan of cute kids, run. Ok, don't run. But be warned at the least, motherhood brought out this ridiculously sentimental side of me and I coincidentally have this perfect, little man at home that makes a pretty cute subject. 

A few things you need to know about me for all of this to come together: I'm a planner to a fault, I'm a goal-setter and I run from failure. Almost two years ago I found out I was pregnant. I wanted kids, but in my to-a-fault 5-year plan, kids were like year 4-5. I was somewhat fresh in my accounting career and working hard to pass the CPA exam. I was seven short months into my photography business, and I had (and still have) dreams for this thing that actually scare me a little. But yet, here I am at this massive turning point in my life, in the middle of all of the craziness of everything else, pregnant. In that moment I was just unsure of how it would affect everything I was working hard towards. Failure and me don't go well together. I would rather cut off my left arm than feel failure, not in the sense of not knowing how to lose, this isn't a win or lose thing, but I was raised on the belief that I can be, and do, anything I want as long as I am willing to work.  

Long story short, I didn't think I was ready. Not until I accomplished all the things. But, May 13th was the best day of my entire life. The only  thing I wasn't ready for was the way he would change my heart, my passion for all things, my perspective, my purpose.  

The past few weeks have been hard. I'm sure if you just read my Instagram posts and find yourself stumbling across some of my blog posts you may not be able to tell, but I've learned that while there are a bajillion wonderful things about being a creative, it's not always roses. I don't consider myself a competitor. For one, this is not my full time means of income, and for two, I strongly believe no two of us are the same, but man, we're our own worst critics at times, right? I've been going through a season of just being down-right, unnecessarily hard on myself, and for no good reason.

Saturday I was seriously itching to use my camera. My son was all over the place, into everything, just being a normal 10-month-old and it was seriously like the world stopped for 30 seconds... Just long enough for God to use that moment to remind me of my purpose. While my "niche" might be couples and weddings and my primary focus is there, my son and my sweet, little family are my why . He wasn't in MY plan when I started this business, but oh how he changed the plan I had for this business when he got here. He makes me want to do better, be better, and more than ever prove that you CAN do anything you set your mind to as long as you pour your heart and soul into it. 

Today, he is officially 10 months old and I'm slightly in denial of that. This has been the fastest, most fulfilling 10 months of my entire life. These past 10 months have taught me that even during bad days (or seasons), life is so, so good and the blessings are overflowing. They've also taught me that time doesn't stop, even for the most precious of things. More than ever, I'm thankful for my clients that allow me to provide them with memories that make time stand still somehow. In pictures.....What an honor. 

(Click the bottom right of the frame to scroll for more cuteness!)

(Click the bottom right of the frame to scroll for more cuteness!)

To read more of my previous blog posts, click the buttons below.

Xoxo, Taylor

My biggest fear


To sum up the roller coaster of emotions when owning a small business in one, or even 10 blog posts would be an impossible task. I admit, I severely underestimated the stress, the highs and lows, how I would react in both busy and very slow seasons. You're chasing your dreams, nothing seems like it could really be THAT hard when you have level 400 passion, motivation and want something so bad you can taste it. But, cliche or not, anything worth having is worth fighting for, and by fight, I mean sweat and tears. It happens. 

Ive always pride myself in being organized, motivated and having a really tough work ethic. Something requiring hard work has never turned me off to the idea, and if anything, probably motivated me more. For me, setting goals that are challenging keep me passionate and help me constantly perfect my craft. 

It's easy to take good pictures under the best of circumstances. For me, it's easy enough to blog my sessions in well-worded blog posts with pictures that tell a compelling story. I find it relatively easy to form relationships and make people laugh. And I find all of it that much easier when the inquiries are rolling in and my dates are filling fast. But then there's a slow season, and I've learned that things slowing down is where I find my growth happens... Getting my feet back under me, if you will. And I know these slow times are good and necessary , but they're scary. 

I went almost all of February without booking a single session. Not one. I met with brides that I had already been in contact with, and I was steadily crossing things off my to-do list (that actually never shrinks, by the way), but fresh inquiries weren't happening. I sent myself countless web forms to make sure it was working, I stared at my website a lot trying to put myself in the shoes of my ideal market wondering if  I would book myself based on what I saw. In the back of my mind I knew this was good for me, we all need to recharge, but I couldn't help but worry, and feel like something was wrong with me. It's funny how fast self-doubt creeps in, and scary how it can take over so powerfully. 

When I launched my website, I was so excited. There are so many reasons why, but a big one was the aspect of a blog. I always have a slew of pictures I want to share from each session, but I never want to annoy my social media followers by over posting, so the fine line game becomes an unnecessary stressor. But I never considered or even thought that my biggest fear would come out of this new and exciting extension of my business: the fear of having nothing to say. I know it sounds like an incredibly ridiculous fear, but nonetheless, it strikes a cord.

For me, slow season is so many things, both good and bad. While for me it's a time to recharge,  learn new skill and network, it's also a time of little work compared to the rest of the year. Little work means fewer blog posts, and fewer blog posts can sometimes mean more time on my hands. More time on my hands, means comparison slips through the cracks and I unintentionally fill my extra time looking at what other people are doing and the success they're having, and comparison is the ultimate thief of contentment. 

Usually, I'm much more eloquent with my words, and my posts flow a little better, but today I wanted to hop on here and use this God-given platform to remind someone (and maybe even myself) that you're killin' it. In the quiet, stillness of your own slow season, your success is still there. You are still capable of all that you set out to accomplish, and you're far more than you give yourself credit for. In this crazy life, we're all chasing our own dreams, so regardless of what you're setting out to do, we all share that little slice of similarity, and you are not alone. Keep on keepin' on... The greatest successes don't happen overnight. 

Thanks for following along on this little dream of mine. 

XOXO, Taylor  

Engaged | Brent + Lauren

I know I say this often, but the friendships formed and/or reunited because of this business is my all-time favorite part of all of this.

I went to high school with Lauren, and then college, and as fate would have it, we ended up sorority sisters. I am a year older than Lauren, so as life has a funny way of doing, things got busy after graduation. I started a full-time job, got married, had a baby. Ya know, life. So, it had been a while, but when Lauren reached out for her engagement session I was over the freakin' MOON. Yes. Please. I can't explain the way it makes me feel to see one of my long term friends so full of joy and in front of my camera. Back in college, and definitely not in high school, I didn't foresee this being my life, but I wouldn't trade the opportunity to play a small part in these love stories for the world.

I try to stick to my "job" during engagement sessions. You know, make my clients laugh here and there, pose, click the button, yada yada. But, if you know me or have even just met me, you know I'm a bit of a socializer. I leave my sessions refreshed, and having learned a lot about my clients... always feeling like I'd known them forever. I love that.

What I learned during this session is that Lauren and Brent (or Trent, take your pick) met at the gym. Brent and Lauren have the same "good side". Lauren loves to twirl (um, jackpot). Brent is the best fiancé ever because he didn't once complain about the picture-taking. In all seriousness, Brent obviously hit the jackpot with Lauren, but it was obvious no one needed to remind him of that. For our hour together I watched as Brent would graciously push Lauren's hair out of her face, straighten her outfit, and overall just treat her like the princess she is. My heart could have exploded.

How lucky was I to get to be there for these two? Man, I don't take this job lightly... ever. Such an honor. Here are a few more of my favorites from this session.

(Click the bottom right of the frame to scroll!)

XOXO, Taylor


For you, this Mother's Day

It wasn’t until I had my own child that I truly understood so much of what I had observed from other moms, or even at times, judged. I was the last of my three sisters to start my family, and conveniently enough the most outspoken of the bunch. Yep, it’s gotten me in trouble a time or two. So, naturally, when I’d see them looking less than clean as a result of no shower, in yoga pants I’d seen them sporting the previous two times we’d gotten together, and God-forbid, no makeup, I’d be like UMM MAYBE YOU COULD’VE BARELY TRIED TODAY (I know, the today me hates the old me, too, it’s okay). I was pretty confident babies were always as cute as they looked, life was filled with cuddles and nothing else, and how could you ever not be on cloud 9… I mean, bad days don’t exist when you have this tiny thing you can hold all day that you created, right?

Then one day I went shopping with one of my sisters. (Unbeknownst to either one of us at the time, I was pregnant.) So, since I had no kids of my own, I was obviously very knowledgeable on all things motherhood, and when her son pooped legitimately everywhere, everywhere as in the diaper failed miserably at doing its job, and she didn’t have a change of clothes for him, I was mentally thinking how on Earth does she not have a change of clothes for gosh sake, this is way too inconvenient for me. Sure, we laughed, poop jokes are never not funny. But she was so tired, and as we strolled around the store with her kid in nothing but a diaper, I unintentionally showed zero bits of grace. I think back on all of the many times I witnessed my sisters in similar situations, and I cringe a little at how I did, or didn’t, react.

Almost 10 months ago (I’m typing this, but you should know I’m in extreme denial he’s almost a year old), we brought our son into the world. Let’s pause for a second and refer back to paragraph one. To carry and then birth a baby is to deserve all of the yoga-pants-and-messy-bun days you want. All of them. And in 10, short months, I’ve learned that when you haven’t had quality sleep for an extended period of time, you forget things. Pacifiers, blankets, hats, diapers, extra clothes, etc., and I’ve come to learn that this is life as a mom sometimes. But, sometimes you forget who you are, too. Bear with me- this isn’t supposed to get depressing.

Before I had Ashton, I was young, madly in love, and my biggest concern was paying bills and trying to further my career. Getting ready in the morning, making sure I had freshly shaven legs and painted toenails every day in the spring and summer, a house that resembled perfectly put away everything, and a healthy diet were among my daily struggles. I was a nightmare to be within 15 feet of if I didn’t get my beloved 8 hours of sleep a night- the more the merrier. Today, I wake up after a night of broken and interrupted sleep, to try and get a shower before the baby wakes up (at 6:30am), to get both of us presentable, out the door (with his entire life in tow), and to work… all by 8am. Oh, I haven’t had my toes done since prior to going into labor, we can all laugh at this. It’s okay. Then I sit behind my desk all day and in the middle of trying to actually be productive, I yawn often and at the very least make constant eye contact with those I’m speaking with so that it looks like I didn’t just have the most stressful morning of my life 5 minutes prior. Eye contact through my glasses of course, because though I do need them, their primary purpose is to hide my mom bags. Then, I get home and it’s feed the baby, change the baby, make dinner, clean up from dinner, straighten the house (LOL), feed the baby again, put the baby to bed, get some sleep (LOL) and repeat. All of the new things added to my day, though exhausting, I wouldn’t trade for the world. If endless nights of crappy sleep is the worst we have going for us, we are doing pretty good. I wouldn’t trade the sweet laughs I hear, or the squeals of sheer excitement when I get home from work, for a night of sleep anyways.

If you’re a stay a home mom, I’m talking to you, too. The point is, when you become a mom, you yourself go further down the list of your own priorities. It’s easy to do, and really it’s pretty unavoidable, but have you ever heard the saying “you can’t pour from an empty cup?” I mean with that, this blog post is probably the loudest I’ve ever preached to myself. When I started this business, I wasn’t a mom. I knew I wanted that for my life someday, but my connection was with couples. I had just married the love of my life, and that was the stage of life that I had experienced my most joy. So, that’s where I started, and what I grew to love and find passion. In my short, 10 month journey of motherhood, I’ve also found a passion here. In my own quest to refill my ‘cup’ often to be the best version of myself to those that need me, I’ve learned that it’s okay to take time for me.

I get it, we all have our own preferred refill method. But if there’s one thing I know we all share, it’s the understanding that the days may be long, but the years are so, so short. This Mother’s Day, the dresses are on me. Come and let yourself feel beautiful, and make memories with your babies that you can cherish forever. You deserve it.

(Click the bottom right of the frame to scroll!)